My Services

 EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) 

EMDR is a unique, nontraditional form of psychotherapy designed to diminish negative feelings associated with memories of traumatic events. Unlike most forms of talk therapy, EMDR focuses less on the traumatic event itself and more on the reprocessing of the traumatic memory by changing the story of the trauma to release the negative thoughts and emotions that hold a person hostage in their life.

 EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
EFT helps to give emotion motion so the feelings don’t get trapped in the body which can then create anxiety, depression, and stress. In other words  unexpressed feelings create distressful symptoms.

EFT offers healing from physical and emotional pain and disease. Without the use of needles, this form of acupuncture uses the fingertips to stimulate energy points on the body. Developed by Gary Craig, this treatment sprang from the idea that, "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system."

EFT works by tapping on acupressure meridians to release blockages. When these blockages are released, the problem feeling can be released and move through the body. The process starts with a beginning statement of what the problem feeling is and includes a complete acceptance and acknowledgement of the problem.

 MBCT  (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is designed to help people who suffer repeated bouts of depression and chronic unhappiness. It combines the ideas of cognitive therapy with meditative practices and attitudes based on the cultivation of mindfulness. The heart of this work lies in becoming acquainted with the modes of mind that often characterize mood disorders while simultaneously learning to develop a new relationship to them. MBCT was developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams and John Teasdale, based on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program.

Couple Therapy
Are you tired of arguing, being romantically disappointed or hurt? If you are experiencing any of these things you may be feeling deep sadness, anger, resentment or loneliness. Struggling relationships are far too common these days. If you are committed to a life together it takes a lot of work and effort to keep it healthy and happy.

Couple therapy can provide answers to couples' most pressing questions and help them discover their individual triggers and other aspects.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

The underlying concept behind CBT is that our thoughts and feelings play a fundamental role in our behavior. For example, a person who spends a lot of time thinking about plane crashes, runway accidents and other air disasters may find themselves avoiding air travel.

The goal of cognitive behavior therapy is to teach patients that while they cannot control every aspect of the world around them, they can take control of how they interpret and deal with things in their environment.

Anxiety & Depression
Depression and anxiety are different conditions, but they commonly occur together. They also have similar treatments.

Feeling down or having the blues now and then is normal. And everyone feels anxious from time to time — it's a normal response to stressful situations. But severe or ongoing feelings of depression and anxiety can be a sign of an underlying mental health disorder.

Anxiety may occur as a symptom of clinical (major) depression. It's also common to have depression that's triggered by an anxiety disorder, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder or separation anxiety disorder. Many people have a diagnosis of both an anxiety disorder and clinical depression.

Anger Management
Many people think that anger management is about learning to suppress your anger. But never getting angry is not a healthy goal. Anger is normal, and it will come out regardless of how hard you try to tamp it down. The true goal of anger management isn’t to suppress feelings of anger, but rather to understand the message behind the emotion and express it in a healthy way without losing control. When you do, you’ll not only feel better, you’ll also be more likely to get your needs met, be better able to manage conflict in your life, and strengthen your relationships.

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